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English-Hindi > parental authority

parental authority meaning in Hindi

parental authority sentence in Hindi

पैतृक प्राधिकार
माता-पिता का प्राधिकार
parental    जनकीय अभिभावकीय
authority    विश्वस्त सूत्र से
1.It 's a reflection of popular perceptions in a country where the judiciary is vested with parental authority .
यह उस देश में लकप्रिय अवधारणाओं की ज्हंकी है जहां न्यायपालिका की हैसियत संरक्षक की है .

How to say parental authority in Hindi and what is the meaning of parental authority in Hindi? parental authority Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.